First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
What is your age?* Choose one: Under 18 18-20 21-24 25-54 55-69 70+
Where are you employed?*
What is your occupation?*
Do you work outside of the home, work from home, or both? Choose one: Work outside of home Work from home Both
Are you in school?* Choose one: Yes No
Co applicant / Spouse / Domestic Partner: First and Last Name, Contact Number, Email:*
Who will be the primarily responsible for the care and supervision of the animal?*
Which animal are you interested in? Choose an animal: Beefcake Big T Bindy (Foster Animal) Boston Cream Brody (In Foster) Buffy (In Foster) Burtrum (Foster Animal) Candy Heart Carl Chewbacca (Chewy) Clover Crunchwrap - adoption fee half off! Curly Fry Dog/Cat Not Listed Emmitt (In Foster) adoption fee half off!! Finnegan Fiona Flap Jack (In Foster) Fonda Lupita GEMMA Goblin 2.0 Hashbrown Miss Lacy Mojo Jojo (Foster Animal) Mooshu (Please Read My Story) Murphy Nala No Bake ORSON Patty Periwinkle (In Foster----DEAF!) Sampson (in foster) Seamus Shamrock Shortbread Sugar Cookie Valenti Valentine Violet (In Foster)
What additional animals are you interested in?
How did you hear about us?*
Have you or any immediate family member applied to CARA before?* Choose one: Yes No
List applicants name and roughly when they applied:
Please provide any relevant information pertaining to why you would like to adopt a pet at this time.
How long have you lived at your current address?*
In what type of home do you live?* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you rent, own or live with family?*
If you live with family, please explain the situation:
If you rent, does your landlord/housing allow pets? Choose one: Yes No
Are there any breed, size, restriction, or pet limits that you have already check on? Choose one: Yes No
If you rent, please provide us with the contact name AND number for your landlord/housing, rental company (we are not able to move forward with the application without this information). If you own, please type N/A.*
Please list your overall activity level 1 being extremely low and 10 being extremely physically active * Choose one: 0 (not active) 1 2 3 4 5 (a little active) 6 7 8 9 10 (very active)
If you choose or are required to move in the future, is there any possibility you would not be able and more than willing to take an animal with you? - If you are in the military and have a possibility that you would be deployed or stationed in a different state/country, what plan would you have set in place for your pets?*
Are all members of the household in agreement with adding a pet to your family?* Choose one: Yes No Unsure
How many children are in the home (under the age of 18). Please list how many and ages.*
Do any household members have any known allergies?* Choose one: Yes No Unsure
Do you plan to keep the cat:* Choose one: Indoor Only Indoor/Outdoor Outdoor Only
How do you plan on meeting your new kitten/cats instinctual need to scratch?*
Do you plan to declaw this cat?* Choose one: Yes No Unsure
If yes, please explain why
How many hours will your pet be without human companionship?*
Will the animal be kept inside or outside primarily?* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Will the animal be allowed to be outside without immediate human supervision? If yes, describe.*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home? Please be specific*
Where will the animal be kept when you are home?*
Where will your animal sleep at night? Please be specific.*
Describe what training methods you are planning to use for your animal? Please be specific.*
Are you willing to seek out professional help to work with any behavioral issues you might encounter with your pet?* Choose one: Yes No Unsure
Is your yard FULLY fenced in? If not put N/A.*
If so what is the height, and type of your fence (for example, wooden privacy, chain link, electronic).
Is your yard partially fenced? If so please specify:*
If you do not have a fence how do you plan on exercising your new pet, and allowing for appropriate potty breaks?
Have you ever had to surrender, rehome, give up your animal in the past? - If so please explain further, if not type N/A*
A well cared for pet may live in excess of 12 years. Does your lifestyle, career, and family plans allow you to make this commitment and you WILL NOT give pet away if you have a child or move to a place that does not allow pets? Please describe: *
Estimate the ANNUAL cost to own a dog/cat. Account for food, supplies, toys, annual wellness exam (which may include required/recommended tests and vaccinations), monthly flea/tick prevention and required heartworm prevention.*
Are you able to afford, in the case of an emergency, the costly vet bill?* Choose one: Yes No
If you are sharing the general responsibilities of caring for this animal with a spouse/housemate/domestic partner, who would be keeping this animal should you part ways?
Is there a possibility either of you would not be able to care for this animal? Choose one: Yes No
Please list all companion animals you have had in the past 10 years, please include any animals that live on the same property/home as you do. (Please ensure you contact your veterinarian to allow them to disclose records for your medical record check)
Pet #1
Name of Pet
Type of Pet
Age of pet:
When did you acquire this animal?
Spayed or Neutered? If not, please explain why
Where is the animal kept when you are not in the home? Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Where is the animal kept when you are home?
Do you still have this pet? If not, please tell us what happened
What veterinarian would have the most recent records for this pet?
Pet #2
Name of pet
Type of pet
Additional Pets: for more pets, please use this field to tell us about them.*
If not already listed with current or previous pets, please provide a veterinarian reference. Include Name, address, and phone number.
NOTE: many vets now require the owner's permission to disclose vet history. Please contact your vet to tell them a representative from Carolina Animal Rescue and Adoption will be calling for this history so that the processing of your application will not be delayed.
Please list three personal references OTHER THAN RELATIVES. Include name and telephone numbers. It's fine if they do not live close to you - they just need to know you well.*
Do you have any other information you would like to add? i.e. there is another animal you were interested in and did not see their name on the list or you were filling out this form to be approved as a foster parent?*
Have you applied to other rescue groups and/or are looking at your local shelter for a new pet?*
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